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Never enter another health card # again!

As a physician or billing agent, tired of entering health card numbers into your billing software?

  • Our AI technology "SuperSnap" will find every health card number and version code on a sheet of paper, saving you countless hours per month from inputting them manually

  • Simply scan or upload billing sheet photos from your smartphone or computer

  • Upload up to 200 pages at once

OHIP Billing Software

Easily input claims and validate patient health card with MOH

Three different views to enter your claims, including a high-volume billing team option

Enter Non-OHIP Claims such as UHIP, RAMQ (Quebec), Military, RCMP, Veteran Affairs, or invoice patients.  

OHIP Billing Software

Easy Access Anywhere!

OHIP Billing Agent

Laptop / Desktop

OHIP Billing Software

iPhone / Android

Quickly and easily submit OHIP claims from your smartphone, tablet, desktop computer.  

Need a billing agent to enter your claims?

Our network of qualified OHIP billing agents will take care of managing and submitting to MOH.  Click here for more details

OHIP Billing Agent
OHIP Billing Agent
OHIP Billing Agent
FHO, FHG, FFS, CCM, OHIP Medical Billing, Plans, Pricing, MDmax, Ontario, Physicians, Doctor, Medical, Billing, Solo Physician, Team of Physicians, Medical Clinic
FHO, FHG, FFS, CCM, OHIP Medical Billing, Plans, Pricing, MDmax, Ontario, Physicians, Doctor, Medical, Billing, Solo Physician, Team of Physicians, Medical Clinic
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